We at Sierra are fortunate to have a close association with Joe Wright. Each month we'll be posting a new lesson from Joe. Be sure to visit Joe's own site to learn about all the steel guitar lesson options available from Joe. We have two E9th pages, 2 Universal pages and Supercharging Technique pages with great videos is up running with more to come.
Joe Wright started playing Hawaiian guitar in October of 1963 and has never looked back. He soon started playing pedal steel guitar. This instrument has taken him around the world as a member of Charley Pride's band. Joe wrote his first pedal steel instruction book on his first computer, launching Joe Wright Productions. Joe specializes in pedal steel instruction. He's developed a unique studio using several different cameras. This allows him to use numerous camera views for his DVD's and online lessons. This same technology is used with great success during the one on one Skype lessons he offers. Joe's books, lessons and DVD's can all be found online at www.pedalsteel.com, one of the numerous websites he's developed.
Joe attends and performs at numerous steel guitar shows around the country. Don't miss a chance to see Joe perform...and be ready to laugh! Since 1990 Joe has played a Sierra S-12 universal at all his shows. Joe is also a member of the International Steel Guitar Hall of Fame.
Choose a Lap, Universal or E9th lesson from the menu on the left.
New from Sierra a video with Larry Sasser. Hosted by Joe Wright we hear Larry talk about how he started and the road he traveled.